Green offers the Mainstream English Cluster (MEC) program. English learners are clustered together in grade-level classrooms that include native and fluent English speakers. The daily English language development instruction targets high-level English academic skills and Specially Designed Academice Instruction in English (SDAIE) is provided in all core subject areas.
The district offers several other programs for students who are English learners. You can learn more about district offerings at other sites here.
Any student who lives in a home where a language other than English is spoken must take the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) within 30 days of his/her first date of enrollment in school to determine whether the student is fluent English proficient or an English Learner. The CELDT is then administered each year to "English learners" until they are reclassified as "fluent English proficient." CELDT results establish one of five proficiency levels for each student: Beginning, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, Early Advanced, or Advanced. The CELDT enables the district to monitor student progress in learning English and helps teachers diagnose students" instructional needs.