The GATE program supports high-achieving and underachieving pupils who are identified as gifted and talented. By state definition, gifted students are pupils who possess a capacity for excellence far beyond that of their chronological peers. This capacity includes many and varied characteristics that require modifications of curriculum and instruction. These modifications form the basis of gifted and talented educational services. GATE classes ensure that the core curriculum is differentiated for depth, complexity and novelty and assure that qualitatively different curricular experiences are part of the weekly academic program. At Green, all of our elementary school classrooms (grade 3-5) are designated GATE cluster.
Green Elementary beleives that all students should received the GATE strategies of teaching beginning in Kindergarten. The "Nurturing Scholars" brochure explains further how it is taught. Nurturing Scholars offer all children kindergarten through 5th grade exposure to multiple strategies designed to foster critical, complex, and creative thinking.
The program is designed to nurture and motivate young learners as they venture into new ways of thinking about a topic as well as to challenge them with learning that is slightly above their level. All children, regardless of primary language, ability level, or learning challenges will benefit from the Nurturing Scholars Program here at Green Elementary School.
All students in second grade have an opportunity to be tested for participation in the GATE program. Parents are required to sign a permission form in order for their child to be tested. All newly enrolled students to the district in grades three through five or those that did not test in second grade will have the opportunity to be assessed.Qualifying students begin GATE classes at the third grade level.
To learn more, visit the district"s Gifted and Talented Education page.